For whatever reason I'm sitting here inspired by the memories of loss
inspired to tell you a story of pain.
The holiday season is coming near and it brings about a time that I fear.
The pain of loss doesn't go away but we move on
away from the pain but also away from the memories we hold so dear.
Like an old picture that has faded.
The corners are frayed the memories are strained
and I'm trying to remember just what I had lost.
One moment in time changed so many lives, I think of the moments now lost.
One moment took three but three carry on in memories and tears
sometimes joy sometimes fear but it's never enough
Their winter came too soon
we sit here with pain in our hearts
amongst family and friends that know
just how hard it is to alone in a crowd surrounded by love
engulfed in guilt we put memories on skin with pain
for the last memory to be a wreck that's now trees
it isn't enough it isn't enough