Friday, June 13, 2014

GCB vs Yahweh

This will be a relatively short post, I'm trying to flesh something out and as such would really appreciate feedback here

I want to use the biblical flood story to show that the Abrahamic God Yahweh is not the "philosphers God" or the Greatest Conceivable Being (GCB)

Instead using a flood to drown humans, God could have chosen to fill the lungs of humans with fluid. This accomplishes the same thing as a world wide flood in regards to killing all wicked humans but does not cause unnecessary suffering to non moral agents (non human animals).

Causing the lungs of humans to be filled with fluid allows for some suffering to humans (assuming this suffering is necessary) but reduces the amount of grotesque suffering that would be caused as people clamored for high ground and became separated from their families.

God could still have Noah build the ark as a test of faith (similar to the Abraham/Isaac story) so that technically God would not have lied about drowning the world.

It is my opinion that this is a better way to accomplish any goals the flood had, but done in a better way. Making Yahweh not the GCB

Thoughts welcomed and encouraged

thanks for reading

- MoonWalking Unicorn